Awesome browser extensions for GitHub

A curated list of browser extensions for GitHub. Updated daily!

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ZenHub is the first and only project management suite that works natively within GitHub; enhancing your workflow with features built specifically for startups, fast-moving engineering teams, and the open-source community. The product is a browser extension that injects advanced functionality including real-time drag-and-drop Issue Task Boards, peer feedback via a +1 button, and support for uploading any file type directly into the GitHub interface. ZenHub makes it easy to centralize all processes into GitHub, keeping your team lean and agile.

Stars on GitHub⭐️n/a
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Useful for developers who frequently read source in GitHub and do not want to download or checkout too many repositories.

Stars on GitHub⭐️22,739
Last update9 Jun 2024

A browser extension which gives different filetypes different icons on GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️1,415
Last updaten/a

Automatically adds repository size to GitHub's repository summary.

Stars on GitHub⭐️1,206
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Neat hovercards for GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️1,819
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OctoLinker is the easiest and best way to navigate between files and projects on GitHub. It supports languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Go, PHP, JAVA and more. It works with package.json as well as with Gemfiles.

Stars on GitHub⭐️5,263
Last update13 Nov 2022

Allows you to toggle between the normal GitHub contribution chart and an isometric pixel art version.

Stars on GitHub⭐️3,482
Last updaten/a

Extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features.

Stars on GitHub⭐️23,816
Last update23 Jul 2024

The missing IntelliSense hint for GitHub and GitLab

Stars on GitHub⭐️963
Last updaten/a

It can make the sub-directories and files of github repository as zip and download it

Stars on GitHub⭐️38
Last update21 Aug 2023

gitpod streamlines developer workflows by providing ready-to-code development environments in your browser - powered by vs code.

Stars on GitHub⭐️142
Last update21 Jun 2024

Make tab indented code more readable by forcing the tab size to 4 instead of 8.

Stars on GitHub⭐️281
Last updaten/a

Add breakpoints at 1400px, 1600px and 1800px for full GitHub experience on large screens. Also removes the truncating of file and directory names in the repository browser.

Stars on GitHub⭐️131
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Replace browser new tab screen with GitHub trending projects.

Stars on GitHub⭐️353
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Show [vscode-icons]( in the repository browser.

Stars on GitHub⭐️308
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Highlight selected word in GitHub source view like Sublime Text.

Stars on GitHub⭐️144
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Generate a magic link for your PR and post it on shared Slack channel, to entice reviewers to pick up your PR faster!

Stars on GitHub⭐️n/a
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The Sourcegraph browser extension gives GitHub IDE-like powers when you're viewing code, pull requests, and diffs: 1. Go to definition 2. Find references 3. Powerful code search with regexp matching, diff searches, and other filters 4. Hover tooltips 5. File tree navigation

Stars on GitHub⭐️9,959
Last update14 Apr 2023

Show Material icons for files/folders in repository file viewer. Display the same icons from vscode-material-icon-theme VSCode extension.

Stars on GitHub⭐️491
Last update26 Jul 2024

Displays size of each file, download link and an option of copying file contents directly to clipboard

Stars on GitHub⭐️2,063
Last update3 Jun 2024

Displays npm package stats on GitHub

Stars on GitHub⭐️57
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Next level code navigation for GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️65
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Set custom tab size for code view on

Stars on GitHub⭐️69
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Create, save, edit, pin, search and delete filters that you commonly use on the Github Issues and Pull Requests pages. You are able to scope filters to be shown globally (on each repo) or only have them show up on the repo you create them on. Pinning filters is also a feature that this extension allows you to do. So if you have several filters you use daily - you have a way to quickly access them, at the top of your list.

Stars on GitHub⭐️n/a
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Displays your GitHub notifications unread count. Supports GitHub Enterprise and an option to only show unread count for issues you're participating in. You can click the icon to quickly see your unread notifications.

Stars on GitHub⭐️1,816
Last update24 Apr 2024

Easily search GIPHY to add a GIF into any GitHub comment box.

Stars on GitHub⭐️181
Last update18 Jan 2024

Browser extension to add git graph to GitHub website.

Stars on GitHub⭐️3,230
Last update1 Jan 2024

Extends GitHub pages with math, diagrams, embedded YouTube videos etc.

Stars on GitHub⭐️91
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See forks with the most stars under the names of repositories.

Stars on GitHub⭐️593
Last update30 Mar 2024

file tree for github, and more than that.

Stars on GitHub⭐️n/a
Last update7 Jul 2024

OctoPermalinker is a browser extension that searches GitHub comments/files for links to files on branches, and adds a link to where the branch pointed when the comment/file was made/updated. This helps you avoid following a link that was broken after being posted. For context, here's some discussion about broken GitHub links: [Don't link to line numbers in GitHub]( For example, suppose you're looking at a gist that links to a file on the master branch of a repo. At the time the gist was made, the link worked, but if the file gets removed, the link is broken. OctoPermalinker uses the gist creation date to add a permalink that still works.

Stars on GitHub⭐️27
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Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository.

Stars on GitHub⭐️13,525
Last update13 Oct 2023

Find the best GIFs for your awesome pull requests.

Stars on GitHub⭐️22
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All your issues, PRs, repos and other work documents right in your new tab

Stars on GitHub⭐️n/a
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Shows notifications when you get a new notification on GitHub and provides quick access to all notifications in a popup.

Stars on GitHub⭐️79
Last update2 Jun 2023

Code folding - the ability to selectively hide and display sections of a code - is an invaluable feature in many text editors and IDEs. Now, developers can utilize that same style code-folding while poring over source code on the web in GitHub. Works for any type of indentation- spaces or tabs.

Stars on GitHub⭐️289
Last update25 Apr 2024

This extension adds the simplicity of WYSIWYG editing to issues, comments, pull requests, wikis and discussions in GitHub. It accepts Markdown input and offers productive writing, starting with tables.

Stars on GitHub⭐️378
Last update10 Apr 2024

Colorize issue and PR links to see their status (open, closed, merged).

Stars on GitHub⭐️298
Last update30 Jun 2024

When viewing a repository on that has a package.json file, this extension will introspect the dependencies in package.json and display links and description for each dependency, just below the repo's README.

Stars on GitHub⭐️754
Last update26 Jul 2024

Revert GitHub's UI back to its classic look (before the June 23, 2020 update that has a flat, rounded and more whitespaced design).

Stars on GitHub⭐️228
Last update14 Jun 2024

A Chrome and Firefox extension to quickly see your notifications in a popup without leaving the current page.

Stars on GitHub⭐️141
Last update6 Apr 2023

Chrome extension that adds a button in browser and links this button to a GitHub repository that you will configure, then on any webpage just click this extension button and it will add the given link with the title of the page in that repository.

Stars on GitHub⭐️235
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Removes clutter from your pull request by automatically marking as viewed files that aren't worth reviewing.

Stars on GitHub⭐️8
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Generates a pie chart on user profile pages displaying a breakdown of what languages they have used in their repositories.

Stars on GitHub⭐️48
Last update25 Sep 2023

This browser extension allows you to open files in your IDE directly from GitHub, assuming the repository you are working on is cloned on your computer. When a fragment of a file is displayed, your IDE opens the file and puts the cursor at the desired line.

Stars on GitHub⭐️71
Last update23 Sep 2023

Introduces the Explore tab in the pull request interface where you can review changes ordered by importance and see the semantic context surrounding each change.

Stars on GitHub⭐️n/a
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An extension that creates direct links to imported modules, external or internal, on source code on GitHub. Supports multiple languages, including common ones like Rust, Go, Python and Ruby, but also odd ones like Nim, Haskell, Julia and Elm.

Stars on GitHub⭐️250
Last update27 Nov 2019

GitHub provides a page that only shows diffs with a .diff at the end of the URL of the pull request. This browser extension makes it easier to view csv diffs by using daff on that page.

Stars on GitHub⭐️4
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Hide dotfiles from the GitHub file browser.

Stars on GitHub⭐️320
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Helps you keep track of incoming and outgoing PRs, and notifies you when you receive a pull request on GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️117
Last update21 Jun 2023

Lists repositories that are similar to the one being viewed

Stars on GitHub⭐️49
Last update10 Aug 2022

Extension to get back current and longest streak.

Stars on GitHub⭐️231
Last update30 Jun 2021

Are they tabs? Are they spaces? How many? Never wonder again! Renders spaces as `·` and tabs as `→` in all the code on GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️76
Last update25 Apr 2024

Visualize GitHub repos as d3 force-directed graphs. The extension gives you a quick overview of the size and composition of any repo.

Stars on GitHub⭐️15
Last update25 Apr 2022

Chrome extension which helps you not to miss important changes in your news thread related to your repo

Stars on GitHub⭐️16
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Chrome extension to see story points in GitHub projects.

Stars on GitHub⭐️60
Last update16 Aug 2020

The CoderStats link for GitHub Chrome extension displays a link to the CoderStats page for the currently displayed user or organization profile page on GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️20
Last update2 May 2023

View and create Linear tickets from any GitHub PR or issue.

Stars on GitHub⭐️24
Last update2 Jun 2024

Show the # of PRs and other contributors stats in the Issues/PRs tab. Can be helpful for maintainers that want to know if it's a contributor's first PR.

Stars on GitHub⭐️464
Last update1 Mar 2021

Helps you see easily which activities happened since you last visited GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️34
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Browser extension that shows which pull requests contain changes related to a file.

Stars on GitHub⭐️97
Last update15 Oct 2020

Easily navigate through the changes in a file that has been edited on GitHub.

Stars on GitHub⭐️19
Last update24 Jun 2020

Filter your pull requests/issues in different categories giving you a big boost in productivity. Also suggests new trending repositories.

Stars on GitHub⭐️142
Last update16 Jan 2020

Revert closed GitHub issues from purple back to red

Stars on GitHub⭐️40
Last update14 Jul 2024

That's everything from this list, for now. Come back soon to explore other awesome browser extensions for GitHub. Meanwhile, you might want to check outStefan Buck's website.